Teaching and Learning

De Lacy Primary School’s vision for Teaching & Learning:

In every lesson there will be a combination of elements of:

  • Clear and specific learning objectives and steps to success which makes explicit the purpose of the lesson and what steps are necessary to acquire the relevant skills, knowledge and understanding. Steps to success are either given to the children or elicited from them as the lesson develops. Children become more sophisticated learners when they are able to explain precisely what they need to do in order to be successful.
  • Opportunities to respond to effective questioning from the teacher which can extend or deepen thinking or rectify misconceptions.
  • Effective feedback and support at key points which facilitates them moving forward and making improvements in knowledge, understanding and skills.
  • Time to reflect on their own learning and that of others through self and/or peer assessment. This can be oral feedback or written feedback in books, more frequently at the point of learning. Children may be given time to respond to teachers' marking at the start of the lesson to inform what they have to do to take the next steps in their learning. This can include children editing and improving their work.
  • Regular opportunities to reflect and discuss aspects of their learning with their talk partner(s). This promotes oracy, develops social skills, engages all children and provides thinking time to allow quality responses.

Children need thinking time, after a question is asked add discussion time and you double the impact

Outstanding Formative Assessment, Shirley Clarke

Three Key Questions that our teachers ask themselves at the end of lessons:

  • Have the pupils in my lesson made progress?
  • Have all the pupils in my classroom made progress to the right extent?
  • How do I know?

Using these three questions, as a reflective exercise, a practitioner can reframe the ways in which they teach and assess learning rates over time.

For learners at De Lacy Primary School, we aim:

  • To provide a happy, stimulating learning environment that caters for the needs of all children.
  • To provide a broad and balanced curriculum that enables every child to develop.
  • To develop attitudes of flexibility and adaptability in children and to help pupils use their skills of learning effectively and efficiently.
  • To instil in children a high level of self-esteem and confidence in their own worth.
  • To help pupils to acquire knowledge, skills and practical abilities.
  • To enable all pupils to read fluently and accurately, to communicate verbally and in writing clearly and confidently, and to develop and apply an understanding of mathematics in the classroom, the home and the locality.
  • To develop qualities of mind, body, spirit, feeling and imagination, and to recognise them and accept them in others.
  • To develop a sense of self-respect and the capacity to live as an independent, self-motivated adult, and to be able to function as a contributing member of a co-operative group.
  • To develop any individual skills and talents, notably in the areas of sport, music and the arts.
  • To develop sound, purposeful home-school links based on mutual trust and understanding.

Underpinning this are 10 Life Skills that we aim to promote:

  • Collaboration
  • Adaptability and resourcefulness
  • Initiative
  • Effective oral and written communication
  • Accessing and analysing information
  • Curiosity and imagination
  • Critical thinking
  • Problem solving
  • Resilience
  • Reflectiveness