Ofsted visited De Lacy Primary in April 2024, we were rated as ‘Outstanding' in all areas.

Quotes from the Report
- De Lacy is an 'is an exceptional school, with happy pupils. Staff work together, supported by a strong trust network, to ensure that all pupils do well.'
- 'The school has designed an extremely ambitious curriculum that carefully identifies what pupils should learn over time. Leaders cleverly weave knowledge and skills throughout different subjects.'
- 'Teachers are well trained experts in teaching early reading. Pupils learn to read quickly. They enjoy reading.'
- 'Teachers ensure that pupils with SEND receive high-quality support to enable them to learn.'
- 'The school places as much importance on character development as it does on achievement. Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is woven carefully throughout the curriculum.'
- 'Pupils’ behaviour and attitudes to learning are exemplary. They are polite, confident and articulate individuals.'
- 'The school is determined that every pupil will have a bright and positive future. '