De Lacy Primary School is an inclusive school and we believe in equality for all. We do everything that we can to remove any identified barriers to learning and ensure that all our pupils access a full curriculum. We think about the needs, aspirations and development of each individual pupil, and as such, take our obligations regarding the protected characteristics in the Equality Act 2010 very seriously. It is the responsibility of all staff to educate against any form of prejudice or negative stereotyping and to ensure that their conduct with pupils and colleagues always reflects this.
Providing nothing but the best for our pupils
We are committed to improving the attainment of all groups of pupils, including our pupils with special educational needs, our pupils with disabilities, those with protected characteristics and those entitled to free school meals. We aim to raise the aspirations amongst our pupils, and our communities, which will lead to an increased awareness of living in modern Britain.
We ensure that our curriculum (including our programme of enrichment and extra-curricular activities) is designed to be inclusive and provide opportunities for all our pupils to thrive. To understand equalities in a more rigorous manner our pupils will be exposed to content and resources in lessons such as PSHE. Our assembly programme ensures that tolerance and understanding for each other is relentlessly promoted. Our staff are confident in discussing key issues with children such as discrimination.
We maintain a rigorous anti-bullying stance so that all our pupils and our people, including those with protected characteristics, are protected from harassment and discrimination of all kinds.
Our behaviour and learning frameworks have been designed to help all involved deal with pupils who use discriminatory homophobic or otherwise offensive language.
Teachers are responsible for ensuring that:
- Teaching methods, language, questioning and classroom management includes and engages all pupils.
- Suitable resources are chosen that are sensitive to different groups, cultures and backgrounds.
- Stereotypes, and what are thought to be stereotypical activities, are effectively challenged.
- Teaching strategies are reviewed in relation to variations in learning and attainment and in the light of known good practice.
- They are aware of possible cultural assumptions and bias within their own attitudes.
- All children can achieve their best.
- Children who are not achieving their best are identified and appropriate actions are taken.
- We prepare pupils to live in a diverse society.
- Ensuring that all staff and SPRBs are aware of current legislation surrounding equality and diversity.
We focus on educational inclusion by ensuring that:
For further information please refer to the policies linked below: